For SaleBooks



A quick note about my philosophy on books. A wise collector told me that if I bought a rock, I should buy a book at the same time. I support the knowledge within books, and I will accept any reasonable offer on a book, to promote learning.


The "Tully" Book - #B1

Well known typology book with great pictures of pieces from the Curtis collection, and other best of the best flints. No issues with the book. $RESERVED FOR A BUYER>


Archaeology of the Eastern United States - James Griffin 1966 - #B-2

Large Hardbound book. It is a compilation of high level essays by some of the greatest archaeologists to ever write on the topic. A very well known book, and a must for advanced libraries. Well over a hundred pages of illustrations and photos. You don't see this book come up for sale often. $50


Central States Archaeological Journals - #B-3

Inquire for rates. I can sell one or a pile.


The Spiro Mound- #B-4

Later printing 2000. This is an absolutely fantastic book. The illustrations of the art from Spiro will blow your mind. $20


Overstreet 7th Edition - #B-5

A very clean copy with excellent binding. One of the better editions. $RESERVED FOR A BUYER


Cahokia Mounds - Warren K. Moorehead - #B-6

The editor took the old Moorehead book and re-vamped it. Added a bunch of photos, and diagrams. 430 pages. $10


Stone Age Spear and Arrow Points - Noel D. Justice - #B-7

1987. A very well known typology book. Some color plates, and copious illustrations. $SOLD> THANK YOU>


Art of the Ancient Caddo - #B-8

300 pages of beautiful photos of some of the finest prehistoric art. $25


Indian Artifacts of the Midwest Book II - Lar Hothem - Values Updated Edition 1997- #B-9

A few folds on the cover. $10


Greg Perino's Field Guide for American Indian Projectile Points Volume 1-4 - #B-10

Extremely famous series. Previous owner made notes in the margins. $SOLD> THANK YOU>


Indian Artifacts Of The Midwest - Updated Values Edition 1996 - #B-11

The Lar Hothem book that started the well known series. A few folds on the cover. $10


Rare and Unusual Artifacts - Hothem - #B-13

A large format hardback. Copious illustrations. $20


Box of Books - #B-14

I have several boxes of books with Native titles. If you want to build a library, I will supply you great titles at a very low rate.




Jon Dickinson

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